On the Horizon: Euro Trip 2012

Anticipation is high as Explorer Bear makes final preparations for his upcoming trip to Europe. This summer's holiday, about three week's in length, will mark Explorer Bear's 20th trip to the Old World, yet his enthusiasm for travel never wanes and he is most excited about the upcoming itinerary:

Days 1 through 4: Copenhagen
Days 5 and 6: Aeroskobing, Denmark
Day 7: Overnight DFDS ferry, Copenhagen to Oslo
Days 8 and 9: Flam, Norway
Day 10: Bergen
Days 11-13: Berlin
Days 14-16: Hvar, Croatia
Day 17: Split, Croatia
Days 18-20: Sorrento, Italy

Readers of Explorer Bear's blog are encouraged to submit suggestions, observations,and first-hand experiences pertaining to his upcoming trip. Such submissions help make for smoother, more enjoyable travel, and it keeps this blog liively and relevant.


CoachSparky said…
As always, I'm excited to read all about Explorer Bear's travels. Sounds like a great itinerary!

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